Geographical location: 42.051°N, 87.674°W
Altitude: 181 m
Distance to center of Earth: 6369 km
Tectonic Plate motion: 25 mm/year WSW relative to Greenwich
Tectonic Plate thickness: at least 200 km
Date & Time:
Basement geology: Precambrian granite
Sedimentary cover: Paleozoic carbonates and Wisconsinan glacial lake deposits
Magnetic declination: -3 degrees
Seismicity and seismic hazard: Low
Seismic S wave velocity: 4.7 km/s at a depth of 100 km
Paleoclimate: glacial at 1 Ma, tropical at 420 Ma
Lake Michigan: surface=58,016 km2, average depth=0.084 km
The lake's water residence time: 31 years for outflow
and 21 years for outflow and evaporation.