
Princeton Unversity (1991-1996)  

Princeton NJ, USA

Ph. D. in Geological and Geophysical Sciences, January 1996.


University of Utrecht (1984-1990)  

Utrecht, The Netherlands

Drs. (M. Sc.) in Geophysics, January 1990. Minors: Physics, Mathematics.


Northwestern University (2003-present)  

Evanston IL, USA

Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor.


Géoazur, Université Côte d'Azur (2014-2015)  

Sophia Antipolis, France

Visiting Professor.


Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (1998-2003)

Zürich, Switzerland

Lecturer, Researcher, Ph.D. advisor, Fundraiser (Oberassistent).


Carnegie Institution of Washington (1996–1998) 

Washington DC, USA

Postdoctoral Fellow.


Princeton University (1992–1995)

Princeton NJ, USA

Teaching Assistant in Seismology.


University of Utrecht (1990–1991)

Utrecht, The Netherlands

Seismic Array Operator and Research Assistant.


ORFEUS Data Center (1988–1989)

 Utrecht, The Netherlands

Technical Assistant and Data Quality control technician.


University of Utrecht (1987–1988)

 Utrecht, The Netherlands

Teaching Assistant in physics and computer science at the Vet and Med Schools.

Seismographic Network Experience

DRIAR (2021–2024)

20 stations, Uganda

Co-Principal Investigator, Chief Seismologist.


SPREE (2010–2013)

83 stations, Mid-continent Rift region

Principal Investigator.


NUDS (2008–present)

2+ stations, Chicago area

Principal Investigator.


BLSP02 (2002–2004)

15 stations, Brazil

Principal Investigator.


MIDSEA (1999–2002)

20 stations, Eurasia-Africa plate-boundary region

Principal Investigator.


COSEA (2000–2002)

5 stations, Azores



Kaapvaal Craton Seismic Project (1997-1999)

80 stations, southern Africa

Chief field seismologist, Zimbabwe.


SAMPLE (1996)

6 stations, Mexico

Field Seismologist.


NARS-NL (1989–1991)

13 stations, Benelux and Germany

Chief field and research seismologist.


American Geophysical Union

Geological Society of America

Seismological Society of America

Honors and Awards

Member, American Academy of Arts & Sciences (2024-)

Sarah Rebecca Roland Professorship (2022-2027)

National EarthScope Speaker (2008-2009)

Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award, NSF (2007-2012)

Distinguished Speaker of the Association for Women Geoscientists (2004-2006)

Harry O. Wood Fellowship, Carnegie Institution of Washington (1997–1998)

Harold W. Dodds honorific Fellowship, Princeton University (1994–1995)


(2021-2023) Principal Director of MCDC

(2021-2022) Principal Director of NU-Geopaths

(2021-2022) President of the Seismology Section of AGU (elected).

(2020-2022) Chair, Data Services Standing Committee of IRIS.

(2020) Founder of Seasonal Seismology School ROSES.

(2019-2020) President-elect of the Seismology Section of AGU (elected).

(2019-present) Member of Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems (NICO).

(2015-present) Co-PI of a NSF Research Traineeship program: ID3EAS.

(2010-2012) Secretary of the Seismology Section of AGU (elected).

(2010-2011) Responsible for Outstanding Student Presentation Awards in Seismology at AGU meetings.

(2010-2012) Member of the IRIS Education and Public Outreach SC.

(2009-2016) Co-leader of a week-long short course "USArray Data Processing for the Next Generation of Seismologists".

(2008) Co-convened the 2008 IRIS Workshop.

(2007-2009) Member of the Board of Directors of IRIS (elected).

(2006-2008) Member of the Transportable Array (USArray, EarthScope) WG.

(2004–2007) Member of the IRIS Data Management System SC.

(1998–2004) Member of the ExeCom of the ORFEUS Data Management Center.

(2000–2002) Associate Editor for the Journal of Geophysical Research.

(2003-present) Co-convener/co-chair of sessions at meetings of the American Geophysical Union, and other meetings.

(1995–present) Peer review for about a dozen professional journals and several funding agencies.

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